Source code for pykechain.models.workflow

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Union

import requests

from pykechain.defaults import API_EXTRA_PARAMS
from pykechain.enums import StatusCategory, TransitionType, WorkflowCategory
from pykechain.exceptions import APIError, IllegalArgumentError
from pykechain.models import Base, BaseInScope
from pykechain.models.base import CrudActionsMixin, NameDescriptionTranslationMixin
from pykechain.models.input_checks import (
from pykechain.models.tags import TagsMixin
from pykechain.typing import ObjectID
from pykechain.utils import Empty, clean_empty_values, find_obj_in_list

    from pykechain.client import Client
    from pykechain.models import Scope

[docs] class Transition(Base, CrudActionsMixin): """Transition Object.""" url_detail_name = "transition" url_list_name = "transitions" url_pk_name = "transition_id" def __init__(self, json, **kwargs) -> None: """Initialise a Transition object.""" super().__init__(json, **kwargs) self.description: str = json.get("description", "") self.ref: str = json.get("ref", "") self.derived_from_id: Optional[ObjectID] = json.get("derived_from") self.from_status: List[Status] = [ Status(j, client=self._client) for j in json.get("grom_status", []) ] self.to_status: Status = json.get("to_status") self.transition_type: TransitionType = json.get("transition_type") self.conditions: dict = json.get("conditions", {}) self.validators: dict = json.get("validators", {}) self.post_functions: dict = json.get("post_functions", {}) self.transition_screen_id: Optional[ObjectID] = json.get("transition_screen")
[docs] @classmethod def list(cls, client: "Client", **kwargs) -> List["Transition"]: """Retrieve a list of Transition objects through the client.""" return super().list(client=client, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, client: "Client", **kwargs) -> "Transition": """Retrieve a Transition object through the client.""" return super().get(client=client, **kwargs)
[docs] class Status(Base, CrudActionsMixin): """Status object.""" url_detail_name = "status" url_list_name = "statuses" url_pk_name = "status_id" def __init__(self, json, **kwargs) -> None: """Initialize a Status object.""" super().__init__(json, **kwargs) self.description: str = json.get("description", "") self.ref: str = json.get("ref", "") self.status_category: StatusCategory = json.get("status_category")
[docs] @classmethod def list(cls, client: "Client", **kwargs) -> List["Status"]: """Retrieve a list of Status objects through the client.""" return super().list(client=client, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, client: "Client", **kwargs) -> "Status": """Retrieve a Status object through the client.""" return super().get(client=client, **kwargs)
[docs] class Workflow( BaseInScope, CrudActionsMixin, TagsMixin, NameDescriptionTranslationMixin ): """Workflow object.""" url_detail_name = "workflow" url_list_name = "workflows" url_pk_name: str = "workflow_id" def __init__(self, json, **kwargs) -> None: """Initialize a Workflow Object.""" super().__init__(json, **kwargs) self.description: str = json.get("description", "") self.ref: str = json.get("ref", "") self.derived_from_id: Optional[ObjectID] = json.get("derived_from_id") self._transitions: List[Transition] = [ Transition(j, client=self._client) for j in json.get("transitions", []) ] self.category: WorkflowCategory = json.get("category") self.options: dict = json.get("options", {}) bool = json.get("active") self._statuses: List[Status] = [ Status(j, client=self._client) for j in json.get("statuses") ] def __repr__(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover return f"<pyke Workflow '{}' '{self.category}' id {[-8:]}>"
[docs] def edit( self, name: str = Empty(), description: str = Empty(), *args, **kwargs ) -> None: """Change the workflow object. Change the name and description of a workflow. It is also possible to update the workflow options and also the 'active' flag. To change the active flag of the workflow we kindly refer to the `activate()` and `deactivate()` methods on the workflow. :type name: name of the workflow is required. :type description: (optional) description of the workflow """ if isinstance(name, Empty): name = data = { "name": check_text(name, "name"), "description": check_text(description, "description"), "active": check_type(kwargs.get("active", Empty()), bool, "active"), "options": check_type(kwargs.get("options", Empty()), bool, "options"), } url = self._client._build_url("workflow", query_params = API_EXTRA_PARAMS.get(self.url_list_name) response = self._client._request( "PUT", url=url, params=query_params, json=clean_empty_values(data, nones=False), ) if response.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise APIError("Could not edit the workflow", response=response) self.refresh(json=response.json()["results"][0])
[docs] @classmethod def list(cls, client: "Client", **kwargs) -> List["Workflow"]: """Retrieve a list of Workflow objects through the client.""" return super().list(client=client, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, client: "Client", **kwargs) -> "Workflow": """Retrieve a single Workflow object using the client.""" return super().get(client=client, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete Workflow.""" return super().delete()
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls, client: "Client", name: str, scope: Union["Scope", ObjectID], category: WorkflowCategory = WorkflowCategory.DEFINED, description: str = None, options: dict = None, active: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> "Workflow": """ Create a new Workflow object using the client. :param client: Client object. :param name: Name of the workflow :param scope: Scope of the workflow :param category: (optional) category of the workflow, defaults to WorkflowCategory.DEFINED :param description: (optional) description of the workflow :param options: (optional) JSON/dictionary with workflow options :param active: (optional) boolean flag to set the workflow to active. Defaults to False :param kwargs: (optional) additional kwargs. :return: a Workflow object :raises APIError: When the Workflow could not be created. """ from pykechain.models import Scope # avoiding circular imports here. data = { "name": check_text(name, "name"), "scope": check_base(scope, Scope, "scope"), "category": check_enum(category, WorkflowCategory, "category"), "description": check_text(description, "description"), "options": check_type(options, dict, "options"), "active": check_type(active, bool, "active"), } kwargs.update(API_EXTRA_PARAMS[cls.url_list_name]) response = client._request( "POST", client._build_url(cls.url_list_name), params=kwargs, json=data ) if response.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise APIError(f"Could not create {cls.__name__}", response=response) return cls(json=response.json()["results"][0], client=client)
@property def status_order(self) -> List[Status]: """Statuses in the right order.""" return self.statuses @status_order.setter def status_order(self, value: List[Union[ObjectID, Status]]): """ Set the order of the statuses specifically in a certain order. :param value: a determined ordered list of Status or status UUID's """ if not value: raise IllegalArgumentError( f"To set the order of statises, provide a list of status objects, got: '{value}'" ) data = {"status_order": check_list_of_base(value, Status, "statuses")} url = self._client._build_url("workflow_set_status_order", response = self._client._request("PUT", url=url, json=data) if response.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise APIError( "Could not alter the order of the statuses", response=response ) self.refresh(json=response.json()["results"][0]) # # Subclass finders and managers. #
[docs] def transition( self, value: str = None, attr: str = None, ) -> Transition: """ Retrieve the Transition belonging to this workflow based on its name, ref or uuid. :param value: transition name, ref or UUID to search for :param attr: the attribute to match on. E.g. to_status=<Status Obj> :return: a single :class:`Transition` :raises NotFoundError: if the `Transition` is not part of the `Workflow` :raises MultipleFoundError Example ------- >>> workflow = project.workflow('Simple Flow') >>> transition = workflow.transition('in progress') >>> todo_status = client.status(name="To Do") >>> transition = workflow.transition(todo_status, attr="to_status") """ return find_obj_in_list(value, iterable=self._transitions, attribute=attr)
@property def transitions(self): """ Retrieve the Transitions belonging to this workflow. :return: multiple :class:`Transition` """ return self._transitions
[docs] def status(self, value: str = None, attr: str = None) -> Status: """ Retrieve the Status belonging to this workflow based on its name, ref or uuid. :param value: status name, ref or UUID to search for :param attr: the attribute to match on. :return: a single :class:`Status` :raises NotFoundError: if the `Status` is not part of the `Workflow` :raises MultipleFoundError Example ------- >>> workflow = project.workflow('Simple Flow') >>> status = workflow.status('To Do') """ return find_obj_in_list(value, iterable=self._statuses, attribute=attr)
@property def statuses(self): """ Retrieve the Statuses belonging to this workflow. :return: multiple :class:`Status` """ return self._statuses # # Mutable methods on the object #
[docs] def activate(self): """Set the active status to True.""" if not url = self._client._build_url("workflow_activate", response = self._client._request("PUT", url=url) if response.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise APIError("Could not activate the workflow", response=response) # we need to do a full refresh here from the server as the # API of workflow/<id>/activate does not return the full object as response. self.refresh( url=self._client._build_url("workflow",, extra_params=API_EXTRA_PARAMS.get(self.url_list_name), )
[docs] def deactivate(self): """Set the active status to False.""" if url = self._client._build_url("workflow_deactivate", response = self._client._request("PUT", url=url) if response.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise APIError("Could not activate the workflow", response=response) # we need to do a full refresh here from the server as the # API of workflow/<id>/deactivate does not return the full object as response. self.refresh( url=self._client._build_url("workflow",, extra_params=API_EXTRA_PARAMS.get(self.url_list_name), )
[docs] def clone( self, target_scope: "Scope" = Empty(), name: Optional[str] = Empty(), description: Optional[str] = Empty(), ) -> "Workflow": """Clone the current workflow into a new workflow. Also used to 'import' a catalog workflow into a scope. :param target_scope: (optional) target scope where to clone the Workflow to. Defaults current scope. :param name: (optional) name of the new workflow :param description: (optional) description of the new workflow """ from pykechain.models import Scope if isinstance(target_scope, Empty): target_scope = self.scope_id data = { "target_scope": check_base(target_scope, Scope, "scope"), "name": check_text(name, "name"), "description": check_text(description, "description"), } url = self._client._build_url("workflow_clone", query_params = API_EXTRA_PARAMS.get(self.url_list_name) response = self._client._request( "POST", url=url, params=query_params, json=clean_empty_values(data, nones=False), ) if response.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise APIError("Could not clone the workflow", response=response) return Workflow(json=response.json()["results"][0], client=self._client)
[docs] def update_transition( self, transition: Union[Transition, ObjectID], name: Optional[str] = Empty(), description: Optional[str] = Empty(), from_status: Optional[List[str]] = Empty(), ) -> Transition: """Update a specific Transition in the current workflow. Update the transition inside the worfklow based on a transition_id. :param transition: Transition object or transition id to alter :param name: (optional) name to change :param description: (optional) description to change :param from_status: (optional) a list of from statuses to update """ data = { "transition_id": check_base(transition, Transition, "transition_id"), "name": check_text(name, "name"), "decription": check_text(description, "description"), "from_status": check_list_of_base(from_status, Status, "from_statuses"), } url = self._client._build_url("workflow_update_transition", query_params = API_EXTRA_PARAMS.get(self.url_list_name) response = self._client._request( "POST", url=url, params=query_params, json=data ) if response.status_code != raise APIError( f"Could not update the specific transition '{transition}' in the " "workflow", response=response, ) # an updated transition will be altered, so we want to refresh the workflow. self.refresh() return Transition(json=response.json()["results"][0])
[docs] def delete_transition(self, transition: Union[Transition, ObjectID]) -> None: """Remove Transition from the current Workflow and delete it. If the Transition is still connected to *other* Workflows, it will *not* be removed, and will result in a 400 reporting all attached Workflows. :param transition: object or uuid of a transition to delete. """ transition_id = check_base(transition, Transition, "transition_id") url = self._client._build_url( "workflow_delete_transition",, transition_id=transition_id, ) query_params = API_EXTRA_PARAMS.get(self.url_list_name) response = self._client._request("DELETE", url=url, params=query_params) if response.status_code != raise APIError( f"Could not delete the specific transition '{transition}' from the " "workflow", response=response, ) # a deleted transition will be unlinked, so we want to refresh the workflow. self.refresh()
[docs] def create_transition( self, name: str, to_status: Union[Status, ObjectID], transition_type: TransitionType = TransitionType.GLOBAL, from_status: Optional[List[Union[Status, ObjectID]]] = Empty(), description: Optional[str] = Empty(), ): """ Create a new Transition and associate it to the current Workflow. :param name: name of the transition. :param to_status: status where to transition to (a single status or status id) :param transition_type: transition type to transition to. (defaults to Global) :param from_status: (optional) status to transition from. Not used for Global transitions. :param description: (optional) description. """ data = { "name": check_text(name, "name"), "to_status": check_base(to_status, Status, "to_status"), "transition_type": check_enum( transition_type, TransitionType, "transition_type" ), "from_status": check_list_of_base(from_status, Status, "from_statuses"), "description": check_text(description, "description"), } url = self._client._build_url("workflow_create_transition", query_params = API_EXTRA_PARAMS.get(self.url_list_name) response = self._client._request( "POST", url=url, params=query_params, json=clean_empty_values(data) ) if response.status_code != raise APIError( "Could not create the specific transition in the " "workflow", response=response, ) # a new transition will be linked to the workflow, so we want to refresh the workflow. self.refresh() return Transition(json=response.json()["results"][0], client=self._client)
[docs] def create_status( self, name: str, category: StatusCategory = StatusCategory.UNDEFINED, description: Optional[str] = Empty(), ) -> Status: """Create a new Status. Will create a new status, a new global transition to that status and will link the new Global transition to that status to the current workflow. :param name: name of the status :param category: status category (defaults to UNDEFINED) :param description: (optional) description of the status """ data = { "name": check_text(name, "name"), "status_category": check_enum(category, StatusCategory, "status_category"), "description": check_text(description, "description"), } url = self._client._build_url("workflow_create_status", query_params = API_EXTRA_PARAMS.get(self.url_list_name) response = self._client._request( "POST", url=url, params=query_params, json=clean_empty_values(data) ) if response.status_code != raise APIError( "Could not create the specific status, a global transition and" "link it to the workflow", response=response, ) # a new status will create a new global transition to that status, # so we want to update the current workflow. self.refresh() return Status(json=response.json()["results"][0], client=self._client)