Source code for pykechain.models.widgets.widget

import datetime
import os
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import pytz
import requests
from jsonschema import validate

from pykechain.defaults import API_EXTRA_PARAMS
from pykechain.enums import Category, WidgetTitleValue, WidgetTypes
from pykechain.exceptions import APIError, IllegalArgumentError, NotFoundError
from pykechain.models import BaseInScope
from pykechain.models.widgets.enums import AssociatedObjectId, MetaWidget
from pykechain.models.widgets.helpers import TITLE_TYPING, _set_title
from pykechain.models.widgets.widget_schemas import widget_meta_schema
from pykechain.utils import Empty, empty, slugify_ref

[docs] class Widget(BaseInScope): """A virtual object representing a KE-chain Widget. :cvar basestring id: UUID of the widget :cvar basestring title: Title of the widget :cvar basestring ref: Reference of the widget :cvar basestring widget_type: Type of the widget. Should be one of :class:`WidgetTypes` :cvar dict meta: Meta definition of the widget :cvar int order: Order of the widget in the list of widgets :cvar bool has_subwidgets: if the widgets contains any subwidgets. In case this widget being eg. a Multicolumn :cvar float progress: Progress of the widget """ schema = widget_meta_schema def __init__(self, json: Dict, manager: "WidgetsManager" = None, **kwargs) -> None: """Construct a Widget from a KE-chain 2 json response. :param json: the json response to construct the :class:`Part` from :type json: dict """ # we need to run the init of 'Base' instead of 'Part' as we do not need the instantiation of properties super().__init__(json, **kwargs) del self.title = json.get("title") self.ref = json.get("ref") self.manager = manager self.widget_type = json.get("widget_type") # set schema if self._client: self.schema = self._client.widget_schema(self.widget_type) self.meta = self.validate_meta(json.get("meta")) self.order = json.get("order") self._activity_id = json.get("activity_id") self._parent_id = json.get("parent_id") self.has_subwidgets = json.get("has_subwidgets") self._scope_id = json.get( "scope_id" ) # TODO duplicate with `scope_id` attribute self.progress = json.get("progress") def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return ( f"<pyke {self.__class__.__name__} '{self.widget_type}' id {[-8:]}>" ) @property def title_visible(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Return the title of the widget displayed in KE-chain. :return: title string :rtype str """ show_title_value = self.meta.get(MetaWidget.SHOW_TITLE_VALUE) if show_title_value == WidgetTitleValue.NO_TITLE: return None elif show_title_value == WidgetTitleValue.CUSTOM_TITLE: return self.meta.get(MetaWidget.CUSTOM_TITLE) elif show_title_value == WidgetTitleValue.DEFAULT: try: if self.widget_type == WidgetTypes.PROPERTYGRID: if self.meta.get(AssociatedObjectId.PART_INSTANCE_ID): return self._client.part( pk=self.meta.get(AssociatedObjectId.PART_INSTANCE_ID) ).name else: return self._client.part( pk=self.meta.get(AssociatedObjectId.PART_MODEL_ID) ).name elif self.widget_type in [ WidgetTypes.FILTEREDGRID, WidgetTypes.SUPERGRID, ]: return self._client.part( pk=self.meta.get(AssociatedObjectId.PART_MODEL_ID), category=None, ).name elif self.widget_type in [WidgetTypes.SERVICE, WidgetTypes.NOTEBOOK]: return self._client.service( pk=self.meta.get(AssociatedObjectId.SERVICE_ID) ).name elif self.widget_type in [ WidgetTypes.ATTACHMENTVIEWER, WidgetTypes.SIGNATURE, WidgetTypes.WEATHER, ]: if self.meta.get(AssociatedObjectId.PROPERTY_INSTANCE_ID): return pk=self.meta.get(AssociatedObjectId.PROPERTY_INSTANCE_ID), category=None, ).name else: return pk=self.meta.get(AssociatedObjectId.PROPERTY_MODEL_ID), category=None, ).name elif self.widget_type == WidgetTypes.CARD: return else: # TODO Weather, Scope and Task widgets display type in user's language: retrieve from locize API? # return None except NotFoundError: # pragma: no cover return None else: # pragma: no cover return None
[docs] def activity(self) -> "Activity": """Activity associated to the widget. :return: The Activity :rtype: :class:`Activity` """ return self._client.activity(id=self._activity_id)
[docs] def parent(self) -> "Widget": """Parent widget. :return: The parent of this widget. :rtype: :class:`Widget` """ if not self._parent_id: raise NotFoundError("Widget has no parent widget (parent_id is null).") return self._client.widget(pk=self._parent_id)
[docs] def validate_meta(self, meta: Dict) -> Dict: """Validate the meta and return the meta if validation is successfull. :param meta: meta of the widget to be validated. :type meta: dict :return meta: if the meta is validated correctly :raise: `ValidationError` """ return validate(meta, self.schema) is None and meta
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, json: Dict, **kwargs) -> "Widget": """Create a widget based on the json data. This method will attach the right class to a widget, enabling the use of type-specific methods. It does not create a widget object in KE-chain. But a pseudo :class:`Widget` object. :param json: the json from which the :class:`Widget` object to create :type json: dict :return: a :class:`Widget` object :rtype: :class:`Widget` """ def _type_to_classname(type_widget: str): """ Generate corresponding inner classname based on the widget type. :param type_widget: type of the widget (one of :class:`WidgetTypes`) :type type_widget: str :return: classname corresponding to the widget type :rtype: str """ return ( f"{type_widget.title()}Widget" if type_widget else WidgetTypes.UNDEFINED ) widget_type = json.get("widget_type") # dispatcher to instantiate the right widget class based on the widget type # load all difference widget types from the pykechain.model.widgets module. import importlib all_widgets = importlib.import_module("pykechain.models.widgets") if hasattr(all_widgets, _type_to_classname(widget_type)): return getattr(all_widgets, _type_to_classname(widget_type))( json, client=kwargs.pop("client"), **kwargs ) else: return getattr(all_widgets, _type_to_classname(WidgetTypes.UNDEFINED))( json, client=kwargs.pop("client"), **kwargs )
# # Searchers and retrievers #
[docs] def parts(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """Retrieve parts belonging to this widget. Without any arguments it retrieves the Instances related to this widget only. This call only returns the configured properties in an widget. So properties that are not configured are not in the returned parts. See :class:`` for additional available parameters. """ return*args,, **kwargs)
[docs] def associated_parts(self, *args, **kwargs) -> (Any, Any): """Retrieve models and instances belonging to this widget. This is a convenience method for the :func:`` method, which is used to retrieve both the `Category.MODEL` as well as the `Category.INSTANCE` in a tuple. This call only returns the configured (associated) properties in a widget. So properties that are not configured (associated) are not in the returned parts. If you want to retrieve only the models associated to this task it is better to use: ``. See :func:`` for additional available parameters. :returns: a tuple(models of :class:`PartSet`, instances of :class:`PartSet`) """ models_and_instances = *args,, category=None, **kwargs ) models = [p for p in models_and_instances if p.category == Category.MODEL] instances = [p for p in models_and_instances if p.category == Category.INSTANCE] return models, instances
# # Write methods #
[docs] def update_associations( self, readable_models: Optional[List] = None, writable_models: Optional[List] = None, part_instance: Optional[Union["Part", str]] = None, parent_part_instance: Optional[Union["Part", str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Update associations on this widget. This is a patch to the list of associations: Existing associations are modified but not removed. Alternatively you may use `inputs` or `outputs` as a alias to `readable_models` and `writable_models` respectively. :param readable_models: list of property models (of :class:`Property` or property_ids (uuids) that has read rights (alias = inputs) :type readable_models: List[Property] or List[UUID] or None :param writable_models: list of property models (of :class:`Property` or property_ids (uuids) that has write rights (alias = outputs) :type writable_models: List[Property] or List[UUID] or None :param part_instance: Part object or UUID to be used as instance of the widget :type part_instance: Part or UUID :param parent_part_instance: Part object or UUID to be used as parent of the widget :type parent_part_instance: Part or UUID :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to be passed into the API call as param. :return: None :raises APIError: when the associations could not be changed :raise IllegalArgumentError: when the list is not of the right type """ self._client.update_widget_associations( widget=self, readable_models=readable_models, writable_models=writable_models, part_instance=part_instance, parent_part_instance=parent_part_instance, **kwargs, )
[docs] def set_associations( self, readable_models: Optional[List] = None, writable_models: Optional[List] = None, part_instance: Optional[Union["Part", str]] = None, parent_part_instance: Optional[Union["Part", str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Set associations on this widget. This is an absolute list of associations. If you provide No models, than the associations are cleared. Alternatively you may use `inputs` or `outputs` as a alias to `readable_models` and `writable_models` respectively. :param readable_models: list of property models (of :class:`Property` or property_ids (uuids) that has read rights (alias = inputs) :type readable_models: List[Property] or List[UUID] or None :param writable_models: list of property models (of :class:`Property` or property_ids (uuids) that has write rights (alias = outputs) :type writable_models: List[Property] or List[UUID] or None :param part_instance: Part object or UUID to be used as instance of the widget :type part_instance: Part or UUID :param parent_part_instance: Part object or UUID to be used as parent of the widget :type parent_part_instance: Part or UUID :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to be passed into the API call as param. :return: None :raises APIError: when the associations could not be set :raise IllegalArgumentError: when the list is not of the right type """ self._client.set_widget_associations( widget=self, readable_models=readable_models, writable_models=writable_models, part_instance=part_instance, parent_part_instance=parent_part_instance, **kwargs, )
[docs] def remove_associations( self, models: List[Union["Property", str]], **kwargs ) -> None: """ Remove associated properties from the widget. :param models: list of Properties or their uuids :return: None """ self._client.remove_widget_associations(widget=self, models=models, **kwargs)
[docs] def edit( self, title: Union[TITLE_TYPING, Empty] = empty, meta: Optional[Dict] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Edit the details of a widget. :param title: New title for the widget * False: use the default title, depending on the widget type * String value: use this title * None: No title at all :type title: basestring, None or False :param meta: (optional) new Meta definition :type meta: dict or None :raises APIError: if the widget could not be updated. """ update_dict = dict() if meta is not None: self.meta.update(meta) update_dict.update(dict(meta=self.meta)) if title is not empty: _set_title(meta=self.meta, title=title) update_dict.update(meta=self.meta) if kwargs: # pragma: no cover update_dict.update(**kwargs) url = self._client._build_url("widget", response = self._client._request( "PUT", url, params=API_EXTRA_PARAMS["widgets"], json=update_dict ) if response.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise APIError(f"Could not update Widget {self}", response=response) self.refresh(json=response.json().get("results")[0])
[docs] def delete(self) -> bool: """Delete the widget. :return: True when successful :rtype: bool :raises APIError: when unable to delete the activity """ if self.manager: return self.manager.delete_widget(self) else: self._client.delete_widget(widget=self)
[docs] def copy( self, target_activity: "Activity", order: Optional[int] = None ) -> "Widget": """Copy the widget. :param target_activity: `Activity` object under which the desired `Widget` is copied :type target_activity: :class:`Activity` :param order: (optional) order in the activity of the widget. :type order: int or None :returns: copied :class:`Widget ` :raises IllegalArgumentError: if target_activity is not :class:`Activity` >>> source_activity = project.activity('Source task') >>> target_activity = project.activity('Target task') >>> widget_manager = source_activity.widgets() >>> widget_to_copy = widget_manager[1] >>> widget_to_copy.copy(target_activity=target_activity, order=3) """ from pykechain.models import Activity if not isinstance(target_activity, Activity): raise IllegalArgumentError( "`target_activity` needs to be an activity, got '{}'".format( type(target_activity) ) ) # Retrieve the widget manager of the target activity widget_manager = target_activity.widgets() # Get the writable and readable models of the original widget associated_part =[0] readable_models = list() writable_models = list() for associated_property in if associated_property.output: writable_models.append(associated_property) else: readable_models.append(associated_property) # Create a perfect copy of the widget copied_widget = widget_manager.create_widget( meta=self.meta, widget_type=self.widget_type, title=self.title, writable_models=writable_models, readable_models=readable_models, order=order, ) return copied_widget
[docs] def move( self, target_activity: "Activity", order: Optional[int] = None ) -> "Widget": """Move the widget. :param target_activity: `Activity` object under which the desired `Widget` is moved :type target_activity: :class:`Activity` :param order: (optional) order in the activity of the widget. :type order: int or None :returns: copied :class:`Widget ` :raises IllegalArgumentError: if target_activity is not :class:`Activity` """ moved_widget = self.copy(target_activity=target_activity, order=order) self.delete() return moved_widget
@staticmethod def _validate_excel_export_inputs( target_dir: str, file_name: str, user: "User", default_file_name: Callable, ) -> Tuple[str, str, "User"]: """Check, convert and return the inputs for the Excel exporter functions.""" if target_dir is None: target_dir = os.getcwd() elif not isinstance(target_dir, str) or not os.path.isdir(target_dir): raise IllegalArgumentError("`target_dir` must be a valid directory.") if file_name is None: file_name = default_file_name() else: if not isinstance(file_name, str): raise IllegalArgumentError( f'`file_name` must be a string, "{file_name}" is not.' ) elif ".xls" in file_name: file_name = file_name.split(".xls")[0] file_name = slugify_ref(file_name) if not file_name.endswith(".xlsx"): file_name += ".xlsx" from pykechain.models import User if user is not None and not isinstance(user, User): raise IllegalArgumentError( f'`user` must be a Pykechain User object, "{user}" is not.' ) return target_dir, file_name, user
[docs] def download_as_excel( self, target_dir: Optional[str] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, user: "User" = None, ) -> str: """ Export a grid widget as an Excel sheet. :param target_dir: directory (path) to store the Excel sheet. :type target_dir: str :param file_name: optional, name of the Excel file :type file_name: str :param user: User object to create timezone-aware datetime values :type user: User :return: file path of the created Excel sheet :rtype str """ grid_widgets = {WidgetTypes.SUPERGRID, WidgetTypes.FILTEREDGRID} if self.widget_type not in grid_widgets: raise IllegalArgumentError( f"Only widgets of type {grid_widgets} can be exported to Excel," f" `{self.widget_type}` is not." ) part_model_id = self.meta.get("partModelId") parent_instance_id = self.meta.get("parentInstanceId") def default_file_name(): return ( self._client.model(pk=part_model_id).name if file_name is None else "" ) target_dir, file_name, user = self._validate_excel_export_inputs( target_dir, file_name, user, default_file_name ) json = dict( model_id=part_model_id, parent_id=parent_instance_id,, export_format="xlsx", ) if user: now_utc = now_local = user.now_in_my_timezone() offset_minutes = int(round((now_utc - now_local).total_seconds() / 60.0)) else: offset_minutes = 0 params = dict(offset=offset_minutes) url = self._client._build_url("parts_export") response = self._client._request("GET", url, data=json, params=params) if response.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise APIError( f"Could not export widget {str(response)}: {response.content}" ) full_path = os.path.join(target_dir, file_name) with open(full_path, "wb") as f: for chunk in response: f.write(chunk) return full_path