Source code for pykechain.models.sidebar.sidebar_manager

from import Iterable
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

from pykechain.enums import (
from pykechain.exceptions import NotFoundError
from pykechain.models.input_checks import (
from pykechain.models.sidebar.sidebar_base import SideBarItem
from pykechain.models.sidebar.sidebar_button import SideBarButton
from pykechain.models.sidebar.sidebar_card import SideBarCard
from pykechain.utils import find

[docs] class SideBarManager(Iterable): """ Sidebar manager class. :ivar scope: Scope object for which the side-bar is managed. :ivar bulk_creation: boolean to create buttons in bulk, postponing updating of KE-chain until the manager is deleted from memory (end of your function) """ __existing_managers = ( dict() ) # storage of manager objects to enforce 1 manager object per Scope def __new__(cls, scope: "Scope", *args, **kwargs): """Overwrite superclass method to enforce singleton manager per Scope object.""" instance = super().__new__(cls) # Singleton manager per scope: this is required to support bulk_creation if in cls.__existing_managers: instance = cls.__existing_managers[] else: cls.__existing_managers[] = instance return instance def __init__(self, scope: "Scope", **kwargs): """ Create a side-bar manager object for the Scope object. :param scope: Scope for which to create the side-bar manager. :param bulk_creation: flag whether to update once (True) or continuously (False, default) """ super().__init__(**kwargs) from pykechain.models import Scope check_type(scope, Scope, "scope") self.scope: Scope = scope self._override: bool = scope.options.get("overrideSideBar", False) self._scope_uri = f"#/scopes/{}" self._perform_bulk_creation = False self._items: List[SideBarItem] = [] # Load existing buttons from the scope for item_dict in scope.options.get("customNavigation", []): if item_dict.get("itemType", SidebarType.BUTTON) == SidebarType.BUTTON: self._items.append(SideBarButton(side_bar_manager=self, json=item_dict)) elif item_dict.get("itemType") == SidebarType.CARD: self._items.append(SideBarCard(side_bar_manager=self, json=item_dict)) self._iter = iter(self._items) def __repr__(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover return f"<pyke {self.__class__.__name__}: {self.__len__()} items>" def __iter__(self): return self def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._items) def __next__(self) -> SideBarItem: return next(self._iter) def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> SideBarItem: found = None if isinstance(key, SideBarItem): found = find(self._items, lambda b: b == key) if isinstance(key, int): found = self._items[key] elif isinstance(key, str): found = find(self._items, lambda p: key == p.display_name) if found is not None: return found raise NotFoundError(f"Could not find button with index or name '{key}'") def __enter__(self): """ Open context manager using the `with` keyword to postpone updates to KE-chain. >>> with scope.side_bar() as manager: >>> button = manager.add_ke_chain_page(page_name=KEChainPages.EXPLORER) >>> manager.insert(index=0, button=button) """ self._perform_bulk_creation = True return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._perform_bulk_creation = False self._update()
[docs] def refresh(self) -> None: """Reload the scope options from KE-chain to refresh the side-bar data.""" self.scope.refresh() self.__init__(scope=self.scope)
[docs] def remove(self, key: Any) -> None: """ Remove a button from the side-bar. :param key: either a button, index, or name. :returns None """ self.delete_button(key=key)
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, button: SideBarItem) -> None: """ Place a button at index `index` of the button-list. :param index: location index of the new button :param button: a side-bar button object """ if button in self._items: self._items.remove(button) self._items.insert(check_type(index, int, "index"), button)
[docs] def create_card(self, order: Optional[int] = None, *args, **kwargs) -> SideBarCard: """Create a side bar card. :param order: Optional input to specify where the button is injected in the list of items. :return: new side-bar card """ if order is None: index = len(self._items) else: index = check_type(order, int, "order") card = SideBarCard(side_bar_manager=self, *args, **kwargs) # insert the button on a certain position in the list of items. self._items.insert(index, card) self._update() return card
[docs] def create_button( self, order: Optional[int] = None, *args, **kwargs ) -> SideBarButton: """ Create a side-bar button. :param order: Optional input to specify where the button is injected in the list of items. :return: new side-bar button """ if order is None: index = len(self._items) else: index = check_type(order, int, "order") button = SideBarButton(side_bar_manager=self, *args, **kwargs) # insert the button on a certain position in the list of items. self._items.insert(index, button) self._update() return button
[docs] def add_task_button( self, activity: "Activity", title: Optional[str] = None, task_display_mode: Optional[ SubprocessDisplayMode ] = SubprocessDisplayMode.ACTIVITIES, *args, **kwargs, ) -> SideBarButton: """ Add a side-bar button to a KE-chain activity. :param activity: Activity object :param title: Title of the side-bar button, defaults to the activity name :param task_display_mode: for sub-processes, vary the display mode in KE-chain :return: new side-bar button """ from pykechain.models import Activity check_type(activity, Activity, "activity") check_enum(task_display_mode, SubprocessDisplayMode, "task_display_mode") title = check_text(title, "title") or uri = f"{self._scope_uri}/{task_display_mode}/{}" uri_target = ( URITarget.INTERNAL if activity.scope_id == else URITarget.EXTERNAL ) return self.create_button( uri=uri, uri_target=uri_target, title=title, *args, **kwargs )
[docs] def add_ke_chain_page( self, page_name: KEChainPages, title: Optional[str] = None, *args, **kwargs ) -> SideBarButton: """ Add a side-bar button to a built-in KE-chain page. :param page_name: name of the KE-chain page :param title: Title of the side-bar button, defaults to the page_name :return: new side-bar button """ page_name = check_enum(page_name, KEChainPages, "page_name") title = check_text(title, "title") or KEChainPageLabels[page_name] icon = KEChainPageIcons[page_name] if "icon" in kwargs: icon = kwargs.pop("icon") uri = f"{self._scope_uri}/{page_name}" return self.create_button( uri=uri, uri_target=URITarget.INTERNAL, title=title, icon=icon, *args, **kwargs, )
[docs] def add_external_button( self, url: str, title: str, *args, **kwargs ) -> SideBarButton: """ Add a side-bar button to an external page defined by an URL. :param title: title of the button :param url: URL to an external page :return: new side-bar button """ button = self.create_button( title=check_text(title, "title"), uri=check_url(url), uri_target=URITarget.EXTERNAL, *args, **kwargs, ) return button
[docs] def add_buttons( self, buttons: List[Dict], override_sidebar: bool ) -> List[SideBarItem]: """ Create a list of buttons in bulk. Each button is defined by a dict, provided in a sorted list. :param buttons: list of dicts :param override_sidebar: whether to override the default sidebar menu items. :return: list of SideBarButton objects """ check_list_of_dicts(buttons, "buttons") check_type(override_sidebar, bool, "override_sidebar") for index, button in enumerate(buttons): button = SideBarButton(side_bar_manager=self, json=button) self._items.append(button) self.override_sidebar = override_sidebar self._update() return self._items
[docs] def delete_button(self, key: Any) -> None: """ Similar to the `remove` method, deletes a button. :param key: either a button, index or name :return: None """ item = self[key] self._items.remove(item) self._update()
@property def override_sidebar(self) -> bool: """ Flag to indicate whether the original KE-chain side-bar is still shown. :return: boolean, True if original side-bar is not visible """ return self._override @override_sidebar.setter def override_sidebar(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Flag to indicate whether the original KE-chain side-bar is still shown. :param value: new boolean value :return: None """ check_type(value, bool, "override_sidebar") self._override = value self._update() def _update(self) -> None: """ Update the side-bar using the scope.options attribute. :return: None """ if self._perform_bulk_creation: # Update will proceed during deletion of the manager. return options = dict(self.scope.options) custom_navigation = list() for item in self._items: custom_navigation.append(item.as_dict()) options.update( customNavigation=custom_navigation, overrideSideBar=self._override, ) self.scope.options = options