Source code for pykechain.models.sidebar.sidebar_card

from typing import Dict, Optional

from pykechain.enums import (
from pykechain.exceptions import IllegalArgumentError
from pykechain.models.sidebar.sidebar_base import SideBarItem

[docs] class SideBarCard(SideBarItem): """ Side-bar card class. Every side-bar can have one or more cards and is maintained as an object of this class. :cvar allowed_attributes: allowed additional attributed provided as options alongside the specifically allowed ones. :cvar item_type: the item type of this class. Defaults to a BUTTON. """ _allowed_attributes = [ "displayText_nl", "displayText_en", "displayText_de", "displayText_fr", "displayText_it", "actionButtonName_nl", "actionButtonName_en", "actionButtonName_de", "actionButtonName_fr", "actionButtonName_it", ] _item_type = SidebarType.CARD def __init__( self, side_bar_manager: "SideBarManager", json: Optional[Dict] = None, alignment: SidebarItemAlignment = SidebarItemAlignment.TOP, minimum_access_level: SidebarAccessLevelOptions = SidebarAccessLevelOptions.IS_MEMBER, maximum_access_level: SidebarAccessLevelOptions = SidebarAccessLevelOptions.IS_MANAGER, display_text: str = None, show_close_action: bool = True, show_background: bool = True, show_action_button: bool = False, action_button_name: Optional[str] = None, action_button_uri: Optional[str] = None, action_button_uri_target: Optional[str] = None, display_text_align: Optional[Alignment] = Alignment.CENTER, **kwargs: dict, ) -> None: """ Create a side-bar card. :param side_bar_manager: Manager object to which the button is linked. :param json: the json response to construct the :class:`SideBarButton` from :param title: visible label of the button :param icon: FontAwesome icon of the button :param uri: Uniform Resource Identifier, the address of the linked page :param uri_target: type of URI, either internal or external :param alignment: alignment of the button top or bottom :param minimum_access_level: the minimum permission needed to see the button :param maximum_access_level: the maximum permission needed to see the button :param icon_mode: FontAwesome display mode of the icon :returns None :raises IllegalArgumentError: When the provided Argument is not according to the type. """ super().__init__() if json is None: json = {} self._manager: "SideBarManager" = side_bar_manager self.align = json.get("align", alignment) self.minimum_access_level = json.get("minimumAccessLevel", minimum_access_level) self.maximum_access_level = json.get("maximumAccessLevel", maximum_access_level) self.display_text = json.get("displayText", display_text) self.display_text_align = json.get("displayTextAlign", display_text_align) self.show_close_action = json.get("showCloseaction", show_close_action) self.show_background = json.get("showBackground", show_background) self.show_action_button = json.get("showActionButton", show_action_button) self.action_button_name = json.get("actionButtonName", action_button_name) self.action_button_uri = json.get("actionButtonUri", action_button_uri) self.action_button_uri_target = json.get( "actionButtonUriTarget", action_button_uri_target ) if ( self.action_button_uri_target is not None and self.action_button_uri_target not in URITarget.values() ): raise IllegalArgumentError( f'uri_target must be a URITarget option, "{self.action_button_uri_target}" is not.' ) if self.align not in SidebarItemAlignment.values(): raise IllegalArgumentError( f"alignment must be a proper `SidebarButtonAlgment` type, '{self.align} is not.'" ) for key in kwargs.keys(): if key not in self._allowed_attributes: raise IllegalArgumentError( f'Attribute "{key}" is not supported in the configuration of a side-bar' " card." ) self._other_attributes = kwargs for key in self._allowed_attributes: if key in json: self._other_attributes[key] = json[key]
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> Dict: """ Retrieve the configuration data, or `meta`, of the side-bar button. :return: dictionary of the configuration data Example ------- ```{ "itemType": "CARD", "order": 5, "align": "top", "showCloseAction": true, "showActionButton": true, "actionButtonUri": "https://asdasdas", "actionButtonUriTarget": "_new", "actionButtonName": "Discover more", "displayText": "This project ...", "displayText_nl": "Dit project ...", "displayTextAlign": "left", "showBackground": true, "minimumAccessLevel": "is_member", "maximumAccessLevel": "is_supervisor", }``` """ config = { "itemType": self._item_type, "displayText": self.display_text, "displayTextAlign": self.display_text_align, "align": self.align, "minimumAccessLevel": self.minimum_access_level, "maximumAccessLevel": self.maximum_access_level, "showBackground": self.show_background, "showCloseAction": self.show_close_action, "showActionButton": self.show_action_button, "actionButtonName": self.action_button_name, "actionButtonUri": self.action_button_uri, "actionButtonUriTarget": self.action_button_uri_target, } config.update(self._other_attributes) config = {k: v for k, v in config.items() if v is not None} return config