Source code for pykechain.models.scope

from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union  # noqa: F401

import requests

from pykechain.defaults import API_EXTRA_PARAMS
from pykechain.enums import (
from pykechain.exceptions import APIError, IllegalArgumentError, NotFoundError
from pykechain.models.activity import Activity
from pykechain.models.base import Base
from pykechain.models.context import Context
from pykechain.models.input_checks import (
from pykechain.models.part import Part
from import Property
from pykechain.models.representations import BaseRepresentation
from pykechain.models.representations.component import RepresentationsComponent
from pykechain.models.service import Service, ServiceExecution
from pykechain.models.sidebar.sidebar_manager import SideBarManager
from pykechain.models.tags import TagsMixin
from import Team
from pykechain.models.validators.validator_schemas import scope_project_info_jsonschema
from pykechain.models.workflow import Workflow
from pykechain.typing import ObjectID
from pykechain.utils import Empty, clean_empty_values, empty, find, is_uuid, parse_datetime

[docs] class Scope(Base, TagsMixin): """A virtual object representing a KE-chain scope. :ivar id: id of the activity :type id: uuid :ivar name: name of the activity :type name: basestring :ivar created_at: created datetime of the activity :type created_at: datetime :ivar updated_at: updated datetime of the activity :type updated_at: datetime :ivar description: description of the activity :type description: basestring :ivar workflow_root: uuid of the workflow root object :type workflow_root: uuid :ivar status: status of the scope. One of :class:`pykechain.enums.ScopeStatus` :type status: basestring :ivar type: Type of the Scope. One of :class:`pykechain.enums.ScopeType` for WIM version 2 :type type: basestring """ url_detail_name = "scope" url_list_name = "scopes" url_pk_name = "scope_id" def __init__(self, json: Dict, **kwargs) -> None: """Construct a scope from provided json data.""" super().__init__(json, **kwargs) # for 'kechain2.core.wim <2.0.0' self.process = json.get("process") # for 'kechain2.core.wim >=2.0.0' self.workflow_root = json.get("workflow_root_id") self._workflow_root_process = None self._catalog_root_process = None self._app_root_process = None self._product_root_model = None self._product_root_instance = None self._catalog_root_model = None self._catalog_root_instance = None self.ref = json.get("ref") self.description = json.get("text") self.status = json.get("status") self.category = json.get("category") self._tags = json.get("tags") self._project_info = json.get("project_info") self.start_date = parse_datetime(json.get("start_date")) self.due_date = parse_datetime(json.get("due_date")) self._representations_container = RepresentationsComponent( self, self.options.get("representations", {}), self._save_representations, ) @property def team(self) -> Optional[Team]: """Team to which the scope is assigned.""" team_dict = self._json_data.get("team_id_name") if team_dict and team_dict.get("id"): return"id")) else: return None @property def options(self) -> Dict: """Options of the Scope. .. versionadded: 3.0 """ return self._json_data.get("scope_options") @options.setter def options(self, option_value): self.edit(options=option_value)
[docs] def refresh(self, json=None, url=None, extra_params=None): """Refresh the object in place.""" super().refresh( json=json, url=self._client._build_url("scope",, extra_params=API_EXTRA_PARAMS["scope"], )
@property def representations(self) -> List["BaseRepresentation"]: """Get and set the scope representations.""" return self._representations_container.get_representations() @representations.setter def representations(self, value): self._representations_container.set_representations(value) def _save_representations(self, representation_options): options = self.options options.update({"representations": representation_options}) self.options = options @property def workflow_root_process(self) -> "Activity": """Retrieve the Activity root object with classification WORKFLOW.""" if self._workflow_root_process is None: self._workflow_root_process = self.activity( id=self._json_data["workflow_root_id"] ) return self._workflow_root_process @property def app_root_process(self) -> "Activity": """Retrieve the Activity root object with classification APP.""" if self._app_root_process is None: self._app_root_process = self.activity(id=self._json_data["app_root_id"]) return self._app_root_process @property def catalog_root_process(self) -> "Activity": """Retrieve the Activity root object with classification CATALOG.""" if self._catalog_root_process is None: self._catalog_root_process = self.activity( id=self._json_data["catalog_root_id"] ) return self._catalog_root_process @property def product_root_model(self) -> "Part": """Retrieve the Part root object with classification PRODUCT and category MODEL.""" if self._product_root_model is None: self._product_root_model = self.model( id=self._json_data["product_model_id"] ) return self._product_root_model @property def product_root_instance(self) -> "Part": """Retrieve the Part root object with classification PRODUCT and category INSTANCE.""" if self._product_root_instance is None: self._product_root_instance = self.part( id=self._json_data["product_instance_id"] ) return self._product_root_instance @property def catalog_root_model(self) -> "Part": """Retrieve the Part root object with classification CATALOG and category MODEL.""" if self._catalog_root_model is None: self._catalog_root_model = self.model( id=self._json_data["catalog_model_id"] ) return self._catalog_root_model @property def catalog_root_instance(self) -> "Part": """Retrieve the Part root object with classification CATALOG and category INSTANCE.""" if self._catalog_root_instance is None: self._catalog_root_instance = self.part( id=self._json_data["catalog_instance_id"] ) return self._catalog_root_instance # # CRUD methods # def _update_scope_project_team(self, action, role, user): """ Update the Project Team of the Scope. Updates include addition or removing of managers or members. :param action: type of action to be applied :type action: ScopeMemberActions :param role: type of role to be applied to the user :type role: ScopeRoles :param user: the username of the user to which the action applies to :type user: basestring :raises APIError: When unable to update the scope project team. """ action = check_enum(action, ScopeMemberActions, "action") role = check_enum(role, ScopeRoles, "role") user = check_text(user, "user") users: List[Dict] = self._client._retrieve_users()["results"] user_object: Dict = find(users, lambda u: u["username"] == user) if user_object is None: raise NotFoundError(f'User "{user}" does not exist') url = self._client._build_url(f"scope_{action}_{role}", response = self._client._request( "PUT", url, params=API_EXTRA_PARAMS[self.__class__.__name__.lower()], data={"user_id": user_object["pk"]}, ) if response.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise APIError(f"Could not {action} {role} in Scope", response=response) self.refresh(json=response.json().get("results")[0])
[docs] def get_project_info(self): """ Retrieve the project info attribute set on the Scope. :return: the project info """ return self._project_info
[docs] def set_project_info(self, project_info: list) -> None: """ Set the project info attribute on the Scope. The `Scope` attribute `project_info` hold scope 'meta' information for end-user to add some user-defined fields and values. This project_info can be displayed in a `WidgetType.PROJECTINFO` widget that can be included on every `Activity` or `StatusForm`. The structure of the `project_info` is the following: ``` :param project_info = [ { "id": 0, "name":"fieldname", "value":"field value", "property_type":PropertyType.CHARVALUE, "unit":"kg", # optional "description": "a short description" # optional }, {...} ] :type project_info: list of dicts ``` The allowed propertypes are: CHAR, TEXT, INT, FLOAT, LINK, DATETIME, DATE, TIME, DURATION :return: the updated forms """ payload = dict( project_info=check_json( value=project_info, schema=scope_project_info_jsonschema, key="project_info", ) ) url = self._client._build_url(self.url_detail_name, query_params = API_EXTRA_PARAMS.get(self.url_detail_name) response = self._client._request( "PATCH", url=url, params=query_params, json=payload ) if response.status_code != raise APIError( "Could not update the prefill_parts dictionary on the form collection", response=response, ) self.refresh(json=response.json()["results"][0])
[docs] def edit( self, name: Optional[Union[str, Empty]] = empty, description: Optional[Union[str, Empty]] = empty, start_date: Optional[Union[datetime, Empty]] = empty, due_date: Optional[Union[datetime, Empty]] = empty, status: Optional[Union[str, ScopeStatus, Empty]] = empty, category: Optional[Union[str, ScopeCategory, Empty]] = empty, tags: Optional[Union[List[str], Empty]] = empty, team: Optional[Union[Team, str, Empty]] = empty, project_info: Optional[Union[List[Dict], Empty]] = empty, options: Optional[Union[Dict, Empty]] = empty, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Edit the details of a scope. Setting an input to None will clear out the value (exception being name and status). :param name: (optionally) edit the name of the scope. Name cannot be cleared. :param description: (optionally) edit the description of the scope or clear it :param start_date: (optionally) edit the start date of the scope as a datetime object (UTC time/timezone aware preferred) or clear it :param due_date: (optionally) edit the due_date of the scope as a datetime object (UTC time/timzeone aware preferred) or clear it :param status: (optionally) edit the status of the scope as a string based. Status cannot be cleared. :param category (optionally) edit the category of the scope :param tags: (optionally) replace the tags on a scope, which is a list of strings ["one","two","three"] or clear them :param team: (optionally) add the scope to a team. Team cannot be cleared. :param project_info: (optionally) update the project_info on a scope. :param options: (optionally) custom options dictionary stored on the scope object :raises IllegalArgumentError: if the type of the inputs is not correct :raises APIError: if another Error occurs :warns: UserWarning - When a naive datetime is provided. Defaults to UTC. Examples -------- >>> from datetime import datetime >>> project.edit(name='New project name',description='Changing the description just because I can', ...,status=ScopeStatus.CLOSED) If we want to provide timezone aware datetime objects we can use the 3rd party convenience library :mod:`pytz`. Mind that we need to fetch the timezone first and use `<timezone>.localize(<your datetime>)` to make it work correctly. Using `datetime(2017,6,1,23,59,0 tzinfo=<tz>)` does NOT work for most timezones with a daylight saving time. Check the `pytz <>`_ documentation. To make it work using :mod:`pytz` and timezone aware :mod:`datetime` see the following example:: >>> import pytz >>> start_date_tzaware = >>> mytimezone = pytz.timezone('Europe/Amsterdam') >>> due_date_tzaware = mytimezone.localize(datetime(2019, 10, 27, 23, 59, 0)) >>> project.edit(start_date=start_date_tzaware,due_date=due_date_tzaware) To assign a scope to a team see the following example:: >>> my_team ='My own team') >>> project.edit(team=my_team) Not mentioning an input parameter in the function will leave it unchanged. Setting a parameter as None will clear its value (where that is possible). The example below will clear the due_date, but leave everything else unchanged. >>> project.edit(due_date=None) """ update_dict = { "id":, "name": check_text(name, "name") or, "text": check_text(description, "description") or "", "start_date": check_datetime(start_date, "start_date"), "due_date": check_datetime(due_date, "due_date"), "status": check_enum(status, ScopeStatus, "status") or self.status, "category": check_enum(category, ScopeCategory, "category"), "tags": check_list_of_text(tags, "tags", True) or list(), "team_id": check_base(team, Team, "team") or "", "scope_options": check_type(options, dict, "options") or dict(), "project_info": check_json( project_info, scope_project_info_jsonschema, "project_info", ) or [], } if kwargs: # pragma: no cover update_dict.update(kwargs) update_dict = clean_empty_values(update_dict=update_dict) url = self._client._build_url("scope", response = self._client._request( "PUT", url, params=API_EXTRA_PARAMS[self.__class__.__name__.lower()], json=update_dict, ) if response.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise APIError(f"Could not update Scope {self}", response=response) self.refresh(json=response.json().get("results")[0]) # TODO tags that are set are not in response if tags is not None and not isinstance(tags, Empty): self._tags = tags
[docs] def clone(self, **kwargs) -> "Scope": """Clone a scope. See :method:`pykechain.Client.clone_scope()` for available parameters. """ return self._client.clone_scope(source_scope=self, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, asynchronous=True): """Delete the scope. Only works with enough permissions. .. versionadded: 3.0 See :method:`pykechain.Client.delete_scope()` for available parameters. :raises ForbiddenError: if you do not have the permissions to delete a scope """ return self._client.delete_scope(scope=self, asynchronous=asynchronous)
# # Part methods #
[docs] def parts(self, *args, **kwargs) -> List["Part"]: """Retrieve parts belonging to this scope. This uses See :class:`` for available parameters. """ return*args,, **kwargs)
[docs] def part(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "Part": """Retrieve a single part belonging to this scope. See :class:`pykechain.Client.part` for available parameters. """ return self._client.part(*args,, **kwargs)
[docs] def properties(self, *args, **kwargs) -> List["Property"]: """Retrieve properties belonging to this scope. .. versionadded: 3.0 See :class:`` for available parameters. """ return*args,, **kwargs)
[docs] def property(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "Property": """Retrieve a single property belonging to this scope. .. versionadded: 3.0 See :class:`` for available parameters. """ return*args,, **kwargs)
[docs] def model(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "Part": """Retrieve a single model belonging to this scope. See :class:`pykechain.Client.model` for available parameters. """ return self._client.model(*args,, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_model(self, parent, name, multiplicity=Multiplicity.ZERO_MANY) -> "Part": """Create a single part model in this scope. See :class:`pykechain.Client.create_model` for available parameters. """ return self._client.create_model(parent, name, multiplicity=multiplicity)
[docs] def create_model_with_properties( self, parent, name, multiplicity=Multiplicity.ZERO_MANY, properties_fvalues=None, **kwargs, ) -> "Part": """Create a model with its properties in a single API request. See :func:`pykechain.Client.create_model_with_properties()` for available parameters. """ return self._client.create_model_with_properties( parent, name, multiplicity=multiplicity, properties_fvalues=properties_fvalues, **kwargs, )
# # Activity methods #
[docs] def activities(self, *args, **kwargs) -> List["Activity"]: """Retrieve activities belonging to this scope. See :class:`pykechain.Client.activities` for available parameters. """ return self._client.activities(*args,, **kwargs)
[docs] def activity(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "Activity": """Retrieve a single activity belonging to this scope. See :class:`pykechain.Client.activity` for available parameters. """ return self._client.activity(*args,, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_activity(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "Activity": """Create a new activity belonging to this scope. See :class:`pykechain.Client.create_activity` for available parameters. """ return self._client.create_activity(self.workflow_root, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def side_bar(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Optional[SideBarManager]: """Retrieve the side-bar manager.""" return SideBarManager(scope=self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_landing_page( self, activity: Union["Activity", KEChainPages], task_display_mode: Optional[ SubprocessDisplayMode ] = SubprocessDisplayMode.ACTIVITIES, ) -> None: """ Update the landing page of the scope. :param activity: Activity object or KEChainPages option :type activity: (Activity, KEChainPages) :param task_display_mode: display mode of the activity in KE-chain :type task_display_mode: SubprocessDisplayMode :return: None :rtype None """ from pykechain.models import Activity if not (isinstance(activity, Activity) or activity in KEChainPages.values()): raise IllegalArgumentError( 'activity must be of class Activity or a KEChainPages option, "{}" is not.'.format( activity ) ) check_enum(task_display_mode, SubprocessDisplayMode, "task_display_mode") if isinstance(activity, Activity): url = f"#/scopes/{}/{task_display_mode}/{}" else: url = f"#/scopes/{}/{activity}" options = dict(self.options) options.update({"landingPage": url}) self.options = options
[docs] def get_landing_page_url(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Retrieve the landing page URL, if it is set in the options. :return: Landing page url """ return self.options.get("landingPage")
# # Service Methods #
[docs] def services(self, *args, **kwargs) -> List["Service"]: """Retrieve services belonging to this scope. See :class:`` for available parameters. .. versionadded:: 1.13 """ return*args,, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_service(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "Service": """Create a service to current scope. See :class:`pykechain.Client.create_service` for available parameters. .. versionadded:: 1.13 """ return self._client.create_service(*args,, **kwargs)
[docs] def service(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "Service": """Retrieve a single service belonging to this scope. See :class:`pykechain.Client.service` for available parameters. .. versionadded:: 1.13 """ return self._client.service(*args,, **kwargs)
[docs] def service_executions(self, *args, **kwargs) -> List["ServiceExecution"]: """Retrieve services belonging to this scope. See :class:`pykechain.Client.service_executions` for available parameters. .. versionadded:: 1.13 """ return self._client.service_executions(*args,, **kwargs)
[docs] def service_execution(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "ServiceExecution": """Retrieve a single service execution belonging to this scope. See :class:`pykechain.Client.service_execution` for available parameters. .. versionadded:: 1.13 """ return self._client.service_execution(*args,, **kwargs)
# # User and Members of the Scope #
[docs] def members( self, is_manager: Optional[bool] = None, is_supervisor: Optional[bool] = None, is_leadmember: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> List[Dict]: """ Retrieve members of the scope. .. versionchanged:: 3.7 we added the supervisor members for backend that support this. :param is_manager: (otional) set to True/False to filter members that are/aren't managers, resp. :type is_manager: bool :param is_supervisor: (optional) set to True/False to filter members that are/aren't supervisors, resp. :type is_supervisor: bool :param is_leadmember: (optional) set to True/False to filter members that are/aren't leadmembers, resp. :type is_leadmember: bool :return: List of members, each defined as a dict Examples -------- >>> members = project.members() >>> managers = project.members(is_manager=True) >>> supervisors = project.members(is_supervisor=True) >>> leadmembers = project.members(is_leadmember=True) """ members = [ member for member in self._json_data["members"] if member["is_active"] ] if is_manager is not None: members = [ member for member in members if member.get("is_manager") == is_manager ] if is_supervisor is not None: members = [ member for member in members if member.get("is_supervisor") == is_supervisor ] if is_leadmember is not None: members = [ member for member in members if member.get("is_leadmember") == is_leadmember ] return members
[docs] def add_member(self, member: str) -> None: """ Add a single member to the scope. You may only edit the list of members if the pykechain credentials allow this. :param member: single username to be added to the scope list of members :type member: basestring :raises APIError: when unable to update the scope member """ self._update_scope_project_team( action=ScopeMemberActions.ADD, role=ScopeRoles.MEMBER, user=member )
[docs] def remove_member(self, member: str) -> None: """ Remove a single member to the scope. :param member: single username to be removed from the scope list of members :type member: basestring :raises APIError: when unable to update the scope member """ self._update_scope_project_team( action=ScopeMemberActions.REMOVE, role=ScopeRoles.MEMBER, user=member )
[docs] def add_manager(self, manager: str) -> None: """ Add a single manager to the scope. :param manager: single username to be added to the scope list of managers :type manager: basestring :raises APIError: when unable to update the scope manager """ self._update_scope_project_team( action=ScopeMemberActions.ADD, role=ScopeRoles.MANAGER, user=manager )
[docs] def remove_manager(self, manager: str) -> None: """ Remove a single manager to the scope. :param manager: single username to be added to the scope list of managers :type manager: basestring :raises APIError: when unable to update the scope manager """ self._update_scope_project_team( action=ScopeMemberActions.REMOVE, role=ScopeRoles.MANAGER, user=manager )
[docs] def add_leadmember(self, leadmember: str) -> None: """ Add a single leadmember to the scope. :param leadmember: single username to be added to the scope list of leadmembers :type leadmember: basestring :raises APIError: when unable to update the scope leadmember """ self._update_scope_project_team( action=ScopeMemberActions.ADD, role=ScopeRoles.LEADMEMBER, user=leadmember )
[docs] def remove_leadmember(self, leadmember: str) -> None: """ Remove a single leadmember to the scope. :param leadmember: single username to be added to the scope list of leadmembers :type leadmember: basestring :raises APIError: when unable to update the scope leadmember """ self._update_scope_project_team( action=ScopeMemberActions.REMOVE, role=ScopeRoles.LEADMEMBER, user=leadmember, )
[docs] def add_supervisor(self, supervisor: str) -> None: """ Add a single supervisor to the scope. .. versionadded:: 3.7 requires backend version 3.7 as well. :param supervisor: single username to be added to the scope list of supervisors :type supervisor: basestring :raises APIError: when unable to update the scope supervisor """ if self._client.match_app_version(label="scope", version="<3.6.0"): raise NotImplementedError( "Adding and removal of supervisor members to a scope not " "possible with this backend version" ) self._update_scope_project_team( action=ScopeMemberActions.ADD, role=ScopeRoles.SUPERVISOR, user=supervisor )
[docs] def remove_supervisor(self, supervisor: str) -> None: """ Remove a single supervisor to the scope. .. versionadded:: 3.7 requires backend version 3.7 as well. :param supervisor: single username to be added to the scope list of supervisors :type supervisor: basestring :raises APIError: when unable to update the scope supervisor """ if self._client.match_app_version(label="scope", version="<3.6.0"): raise NotImplementedError( "Adding and removal of supervisor members to a scope not " "possible with this backend version" ) self._update_scope_project_team( action=ScopeMemberActions.REMOVE, role=ScopeRoles.SUPERVISOR, user=supervisor, )
# # Context Methods #
[docs] def context(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Context: """ Retrieve a context object in this scope. See :class:`pykechain.Client.context` for available parameters. .. versionadded:: 3.11 :return: a Context object """ return self._client.context(*args,, **kwargs)
[docs] def contexts(self, *args, **kwargs) -> List[Context]: """ Retrieve one or more contexts object in this scope. See :class:`pykechain.Client.contexts` for available parameters. .. versionadded:: 3.11 :return: a list of Context objects """ return self._client.contexts(scope=self, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_context(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Context: """ Create a new Context object of a ContextType in a scope. See :class:`pykechain.Client.create_context` for available parameters. .. versionadded:: 3.11 :return: a Context object """ return self._client.create_context(scope=self, **kwargs)
# # Forms Methods #
[docs] def forms(self, **kwargs) -> List["Form"]: """ Retrieve Form objects in a scope. See :class:`pykechain.Client.forms` for available parameters. :return: a list of Form objects """ return self._client.forms(scope=self, **kwargs)
[docs] def form(self, **kwargs) -> "Form": """ Retrieve a Form object in a scope. See :class:`pykechain.Client.form` for available parameters. :return: a Form object """ return self._client.form(scope=self, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_form_model(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "Form": """ Create a new Form object in a scope. See :class:`Form.create_model()` for available parameters. :return: a Form object """ return self._client.create_form_model(*args, scope=self, **kwargs)
[docs] def instantiate_form(self, model, *args, **kwargs) -> "Form": """ Create a new Form instance based on a model. See the `Form.instantiate()` method for available arguments. :return: a created Form Instance """ if == model.scope_id: return self._client.instantiate_form(*args, model=model, *args, **kwargs) else: raise IllegalArgumentError( f"Form Model '{}' not in Scope '{}'" )
# # Workflows Methods #
[docs] def workflows(self, **kwargs) -> List["Workflow"]: """ Retrieve Workflow objects in a scope. See :class:`pykechain.Client.workflows` for available parameters. :return: a list of Workflow objects """ return self._client.workflows(scope=self, **kwargs)
[docs] def workflow(self, **kwargs) -> "Workflow": """ Retrieve a Workflow object in a scope. See :class:`pykechain.Client.workflow` for available parameters. :return: a Workflow object """ return self._client.workflow(scope=self, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_workflow(self, **kwargs) -> Workflow: """Create a new Defined Workflow object in this scope. See `Workflow.create_workflow` for available parameters. :return: a Workflow object """ return Workflow.create(client=self._client, scope=self, **kwargs)
[docs] def import_workflow( self, workflow: Union[Workflow, ObjectID], **kwargs ) -> "Workflow": """ Import a Workflow object into the current scope. See :class:`Workflow.clone()` for available parameters. :return: a Workflow object """ if is_uuid(workflow): workflow = self._client.workflow(pk=workflow) if isinstance(workflow, Workflow): return workflow.clone(target_scope=self, **kwargs) else: raise IllegalArgumentError( f"The workflow to import could not be found. I got: '{workflow}'" )