Source code for pykechain.models.representations.representations

from typing import Any

from pykechain.enums import (
from pykechain.exceptions import IllegalArgumentError
from pykechain.models.input_checks import check_enum, check_type
from pykechain.models.representations.representation_base import BaseRepresentation

[docs] class DecimalPlaces(BaseRepresentation): """Representation for floating-point value properties.""" rtype = PropertyRepresentation.DECIMAL_PLACES _config_value_key = "amount"
[docs] def validate_representation(self, value: int) -> None: """ Validate whether the representation value can be set. :param value: representation value to set. :type value: int :return: None """ if not isinstance(value, int): raise IllegalArgumentError( '{} value "{}" is not correct: not an integer'.format( self.__class__.__name__, value ) )
[docs] class SignificantDigits(DecimalPlaces): """Representation for floating-point value properties.""" rtype = PropertyRepresentation.SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS
class ThousandsSeparator(BaseRepresentation): """Representation for integer or floating-point value properties.""" rtype = PropertyRepresentation.THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR def validate_representation(self, value): """ Validate whether the representation value can be set. :param value: representation value to set. :type value: int or float :return: None """ if not (isinstance(value, type(None))): raise IllegalArgumentError( '{} value "{}" is not correct: not NoneType'.format( self.__class__.__name__, value ) )
[docs] class LinkTarget(BaseRepresentation): """Representation for HTML link reference properties.""" rtype = PropertyRepresentation.LINK_TARGET _config_value_key = "target"
[docs] def validate_representation(self, value: LinkTargets) -> None: """ Validate whether the representation value can be set. :param value: representation value to set. :type value: LinkTargets :return: None """ if value not in LinkTargets.values(): raise IllegalArgumentError( '{} value "{}" is not correct: Not a CardWidgetLinkTarget option.'.format( self.__class__.__name__, value ) )
[docs] class ButtonRepresentation(BaseRepresentation): """Representation for single-select list properties.""" rtype = PropertyRepresentation.BUTTON _config_value_key = PropertyRepresentation.BUTTON
[docs] def validate_representation(self, value: SelectListRepresentations) -> None: """ Validate whether the representation value can be set. :param value: representation value to set. :type value: SelectListRepresentations :return: None """ if value not in SelectListRepresentations.values(): raise IllegalArgumentError( '{} value "{}" is not correct: Not a SelectListRepresentations option.'.format( self.__class__.__name__, value ) )
[docs] class Autofill(BaseRepresentation): """Representation for date(time) properties.""" rtype = PropertyRepresentation.AUTOFILL _config_value_key = PropertyRepresentation.AUTOFILL
[docs] def validate_representation(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Validate whether the representation value can be set. :param value: representation value to set. :type value: bool :return: None """ check_type(value, bool, "autofill")
[docs] class CustomIconRepresentation(BaseRepresentation): """Representation for scope and activities to display a custom Font Awesome icon.""" rtype = "customIcon" _config_value_key = "displayIcon" _display_mode_key = "displayIconMode" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a custom icon representation. Display mode of the icon will be `regular` by default. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self._display_mode_key not in self._config: self._config[self._display_mode_key] = FontAwesomeMode.REGULAR
[docs] def validate_representation(self, value: str): """ Validate whether the representation value can be set. :param value: representation value to set. :type value: str :return: None """ if not isinstance(value, str): raise IllegalArgumentError( '{} value "{}" is not correct: not a string'.format( self.__class__.__name__, value ) )
@property def display_mode(self): """Get the the display mode of the custom icon representation.""" return self._config[self._display_mode_key] @display_mode.setter def display_mode(self, mode: FontAwesomeMode) -> None: """ Set the the display mode of the custom icon representation. :param mode: FontAwesome display mode :type mode: FontAwesomeMode """ if mode not in set(FontAwesomeMode.values()): raise IllegalArgumentError( '{} mode "{}" is not a FontAwesomeMode option.'.format( self.__class__.__name__, mode ) ) self._config[self._display_mode_key] = mode self.value = self.value # trigger update
[docs] class GeoCoordinateRepresentation(BaseRepresentation): """Representation for Geocoordinate properties. It should look like this in the value_options # "representations": [ # { # "rtype": "geoCoordinate", # "config": { # "geoCoordinate": "rd_amersfoort" # can be any of GeoCoordinateConfig # } # } # ] # }, """ rtype = PropertyRepresentation.GEOCOORDINATE _config_value_key = "geoCoordinate"
[docs] def validate_representation(self, value: GeoCoordinateConfig) -> None: """ Validate whether the representation value can be set. :param value: representation value to set. :type value: one of GeoCoordinateConfig :return: None """ if value not in GeoCoordinateConfig.values(): raise IllegalArgumentError( "{} value '{}' is not correct: Not a GeoCoordinateConfig option: {}".format( self.__class__.__name__, value, GeoCoordinateConfig.values() ) )
class SimpleConfigValueKeyRepresentation(BaseRepresentation): """A simple representation object where the _config_value keys is the same as the rtype. This representations have the following basic json representation: ``` { "rtype": "<simpleRepr>", "config": { "<simpleRepr>": <some value> } } ``` This class is used in several very simplified 'boolean' type representation types. Such as, ao: UsePropertyNameRepresentation, the _config_value_type = "usePropertyName" CameraScannerInputRepresentation, the _config_value_type = "cameraScannerInput" What you need to do is to set the class variable `rtype` when you override. """ rtype = None _config_value_key = None def validate_representation(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Validate whether the representation value can be set. :param value: representation value to set. :type value: a boolean :return: None """ check_type(value, bool, self._config_value_key)
[docs] class UsePropertyNameRepresentation(SimpleConfigValueKeyRepresentation): """Representation for the use of Property Names in a reference property.""" rtype = PropertyRepresentation.USE_PROPERTY_NAME _config_value_key = PropertyRepresentation.USE_PROPERTY_NAME
[docs] class CameraScannerInputRepresentation(SimpleConfigValueKeyRepresentation): """Representation for text and number inputs to be able to use the camera as scanner.""" rtype = PropertyRepresentation.CAMERA_SCANNER_INPUT _config_value_key = "camera_scanner"
class SignatureRepresentation(SimpleConfigValueKeyRepresentation): """Representation for the signature input in a grid or propertygrid.""" rtype = PropertyRepresentation.SIGNATURE _config_value_key = PropertyRepresentation.SIGNATURE def validate_representation(self, value: Any) -> None: """ Validate whether the representation value can be set. :param value: representation value to set. :type value: Any :raises IllegalArgumentError :return: None """ check_enum( value, SignatureRepresentationValues, "signature representation values" ) class StoredFilesDisplayRepresentation(SimpleConfigValueKeyRepresentation): """Representation for the stored files display inside a `StoredFilesReferencesProperty`.""" rtype = PropertyRepresentation.FILE_DISPLAY _config_value_key = "mode" def validate_representation(self, value: Any) -> None: """ Validate whether the representation value can be set. :param value: representation value to set. :type value: Any :raises IllegalArgumentError :return: None """ check_enum( value, FileDisplayRepresentationValues, "file display representation values" )