Source code for pykechain.models.representations.representation_base

import warnings
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict

from jsonschema import validate

from pykechain.models.validators.validator_schemas import representation_jsonschema_stub

[docs] class BaseRepresentation: """ Base class for all Representations. :cvar jsonschema: jsonschema to validate the json of the representation :type jsonschema: Dict :cvar rtype: type of representation :type rtype: Text """ jsonschema = representation_jsonschema_stub rtype = None _config_value_key = None def __init__(self, obj=None, json=None, value=None, prop=None): """ Construct a base representation. :param obj: the object to which the representation is applied, such as a property. :type obj: Base :param json: representation json (usually part of the original object json) :type json: dict :param value: value of the representation, its options vary per representation type :type value: Any :param prop: deprecated keyword for obj :type prop: Property """ if prop is not None: warnings.warn( "Keyword `prop` is deprecated in favor of `obj`.", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) obj = prop del prop self._obj = obj self._json: dict = json or dict(rtype=self.rtype, config=dict()) self._config: dict = self._json.get("config", dict()) self._json["config"] = self._config if value is not None: self.validate_representation(value) self._config[self._config_value_key] = value def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__} ({self.value})"
[docs] def as_json(self) -> Dict: """Parse the validator to a proper validator json.""" return self._json
[docs] def validate_json(self) -> Any: """Validate the json representation of the validator against the validator jsonschema.""" return validate(self._json, self.jsonschema)
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, obj: Any, json: Dict) -> "BaseRepresentation": """Parse a json dict and return the correct subclass of :class:`BaseRepresentation`. It uses the 'rtype' key to determine which :class:`BaseRepresentation` to instantiate. :param obj: object to which the `BaseRepresentation` belongs. :type: prop: Base :param json: dictionary containing the specific keys to parse into a :class:`BaseRepresentation` :type json: dict :returns: the instantiated subclass of :class:`BaseRepresentation` :rtype: :class:`BaseRepresentation` or subclass thereof """ try: rtype = json["rtype"] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Representation unknown, incorrect json: '{json}'") try: from pykechain.models.representations import rtype_class_map repr_class: type(BaseRepresentation) = rtype_class_map[rtype] except KeyError: raise TypeError(f'Unknown rtype "{rtype}" in json') return repr_class(obj=obj, json=json)
@property def value(self): """ Retrieve current representation value. :return: value :rtype Any """ return ( self._config.get(self._config_value_key) if self._config_value_key else None ) @value.setter def value(self, value): """ Set a new representation value. :param value: the new value to be set :type value: Any :return: the value :rtype Any """ self.validate_representation(value) self._config[self._config_value_key] = value # Update the property in-place if self._obj: self._obj.representations = self._obj.representations
[docs] @abstractmethod def validate_representation(self, value: Any) -> None: """ Validate whether the representation value can be set. Will fail on error, no need to return anything. :param value: representation value to set. :type value: Any :raises IllegalArgumentError :return: None """ pass # pragma: no cover