Source code for pykechain.models.representations.component

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List

from jsonschema import validate

from pykechain.enums import PropertyType, _AllRepresentations
from pykechain.exceptions import IllegalArgumentError
from pykechain.models.representations.representation_base import BaseRepresentation
from pykechain.models.validators.validator_schemas import representation_jsonschema_stub

[docs] class RepresentationsComponent: """ Aggregate class to use representations on an object. To add representations to a Pykechain class, create an instance of this class in its __init__() method. .. versionadded:: 3.7 """ def __init__( self, parent_object, representation_options: Dict, update_method: Callable ): """ Extract the json with the representation options. :param parent_object: Object to which this representation component is attached :param representation_options: json with list of representations :param update_method: method of the parent_object that is used to update the representations """ self._parent_object = parent_object self._repr_options = representation_options self._update_method: Callable = update_method # Construct representation objects self._representations: List["AnyRepresentation"] = [] representations_json = self._repr_options for representation_json in representations_json: self._representations.append( BaseRepresentation.parse( obj=self._parent_object, json=representation_json ) )
[docs] def get_representations(self) -> List["AnyRepresentation"]: """ Get list of representation objects. :return: list of Representations :raises IllegalArgumentError if representations are set with incorrect options """ return self._representations
[docs] def set_representations(self, representations: List["AnyRepresentation"]) -> None: """Set the representations.""" self._validate_representations(representations) # set the internal representation list self._representations = list(set(representations)) # dump to _json options self._dump_representations() # update the options to KE-chain backend self._update_method(self._repr_options)
def _validate_representations(self, representations: Any): """Check provided representation inputs.""" if not isinstance(representations, (tuple, list)): raise IllegalArgumentError( "Should be a list or tuple with Representation objects, got {}".format( type(representations) ) ) for r in representations: if not isinstance(r, BaseRepresentation): raise IllegalArgumentError( f"Representation '{r}' should be a Representation object" ) if not _valid_object_type(r, self._parent_object): raise IllegalArgumentError( f"Representation '{r}' can not be added to " f"'{self._parent_object}' as the representation is not " "allowed on that propertyType. Please check relation between allowed" "representation and property type accordingly." ) r.validate_json() def _dump_representations(self): """Dump the representations as json inside the _repr_options dictionary.""" representations_json = [] for r in self._representations: json_format = r.as_json() validate(json_format, representation_jsonschema_stub) representations_json.append(json_format) self._repr_options = representations_json
def _valid_object_type(representation: BaseRepresentation, obj: "Base") -> bool: """ Check whether the representation can be used on the provided object. :param representation: representation to check :type representation: BaseRepresentation :param obj: object to attach the representation to :type obj: Base :return: True if feasible, False if not. :rtype bool """ rtype = representation.rtype if rtype == _AllRepresentations.CUSTOM_ICON: from pykechain.models import Activity, Scope return isinstance(obj, (Activity, Scope)) else: from pykechain.models import Property if not isinstance(obj, Property): return False else: if rtype == _AllRepresentations.BUTTON: return obj.type in ( PropertyType.SINGLE_SELECT_VALUE, PropertyType.MULTI_SELECT_VALUE, ) elif rtype == _AllRepresentations.DECIMAL_PLACES: return obj.type == PropertyType.FLOAT_VALUE elif rtype == _AllRepresentations.SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS: return obj.type == PropertyType.FLOAT_VALUE elif rtype == _AllRepresentations.THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR: return obj.type in (PropertyType.INT_VALUE, PropertyType.FLOAT_VALUE) elif rtype == _AllRepresentations.LINK_TARGET: return obj.type == PropertyType.LINK_VALUE elif rtype == _AllRepresentations.AUTOFILL: return obj.type in ( PropertyType.DATETIME_VALUE, PropertyType.DATE_VALUE, PropertyType.TIME_VALUE, PropertyType.USER_REFERENCES_VALUE, ) elif rtype == _AllRepresentations.GEOCOORDINATE: return obj.type == PropertyType.GEOJSON_VALUE elif rtype == _AllRepresentations.USE_PROPERTY_NAME: return obj.type in ( PropertyType.REFERENCES_VALUE, PropertyType.ACTIVITY_REFERENCES_VALUE, PropertyType.USER_REFERENCES_VALUE, PropertyType.SCOPE_REFERENCES_VALUE, PropertyType.SERVICE_REFERENCES_VALUE, ) elif rtype == _AllRepresentations.CAMERA_SCANNER_INPUT: return obj.type in ( PropertyType.INT_VALUE, PropertyType.FLOAT_VALUE, PropertyType.TEXT_VALUE, PropertyType.CHAR_VALUE, ) elif rtype == _AllRepresentations.SIGNATURE: return obj.type == PropertyType.ATTACHMENT_VALUE elif rtype == _AllRepresentations.FILE_DISPLAY: return obj.type == PropertyType.STOREDFILE_REFERENCES_VALUE else: return False