Source code for pykechain.models.property_reference

from typing import List, Optional

from pykechain.defaults import PARTS_BATCH_LIMIT
from pykechain.enums import ScopeReferenceColumns
from pykechain.exceptions import IllegalArgumentError
from pykechain.models import Activity, Scope, user
from pykechain.models.base_reference import (
from pykechain.models.context import Context
from pykechain.models.form import Form
from pykechain.models.stored_file import StoredFile
from pykechain.models.value_filter import ScopeFilter
from pykechain.models.workflow import Status
from pykechain.utils import get_in_chunks

[docs] class ActivityReferencesProperty(_ReferencePropertyInScope): """A virtual object representing a KE-chain Activity References property. .. versionadded:: 3.7 """ REFERENCED_CLASS = Activity def _retrieve_objects(self, **kwargs) -> List[Activity]: """ Retrieve a list of Activities. :param kwargs: optional inputs :return: list of Activity2 objects """ activities = [] for activity_json in self._value: activity = Activity(client=self._client, json=activity_json) activity.refresh() # To populate the object with all expected data activities.append(activity) return activities
[docs] class ScopeReferencesProperty(_ReferenceProperty): """A virtual object representing a KE-chain Scope References property. .. versionadded: 3.9 """ REFERENCED_CLASS = Scope def _retrieve_objects(self, **kwargs) -> List[Scope]: """ Retrieve a list of Scopes. :param kwargs: optional inputs :return: list of Scope2 objects """ scope_ids = self._validate_values() scopes = [] if scope_ids: scopes = list() for chunk in get_in_chunks(scope_ids, PARTS_BATCH_LIMIT): scopes.extend( list(self._client.scopes(id__in=",".join(chunk), status=None)) ) return scopes
[docs] def set_prefilters( self, prefilters: List[ScopeFilter] = None, clear: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> None: """ Set pre-filters on the scope reference property. :param prefilters: list of Scope Filter objects :type prefilters: list :param clear: whether all existing pre-filters should be cleared. (default = False) :type clear: bool :return: None """ if prefilters is not None: if not isinstance(prefilters, list) or not all( isinstance(pf, ScopeFilter) for pf in prefilters ): raise IllegalArgumentError( f"`prefilters` must be a list of ScopeFilter objects, `{prefilters}` is not." ) else: prefilters = [] if not clear: list_of_prefilters = ScopeFilter.parse_options(options=self._options) else: list_of_prefilters = list() list_of_prefilters += prefilters # Only update the options if there are any prefilters to be set, or if the original filters have to overwritten if list_of_prefilters or clear: self._options.update(ScopeFilter.write_options(filters=list_of_prefilters)) self.edit(options=self._options)
[docs] def get_prefilters(self) -> List[ScopeFilter]: """ Return a list of ScopeFilter objects currently configured on the property. :return: list of ScopeFilter objects :rtype list """ return ScopeFilter.parse_options(self._options)
[docs] def set_active_filter_switch(self, switch_visible: bool): """ Set the switch between active and inactive scopes on the scope reference property. :param switch_visible: trigger the switch of showing active or inactive scopes :type switch_visible: bool """ self._options.update({"show_active_status_filter": switch_visible}) self.edit(options=self._options)
[docs] def set_columns(self, list_of_columns: List[ScopeReferenceColumns] = None): """ Set the columns visible inside the Scope selection dialog. :param list_of_columns: all the columns possible of a Scope :type list_of_columns: List of columns """ self._options.update({"columns": list_of_columns}) self.edit(options=self._options)
[docs] class UserReferencesProperty(_ReferenceProperty): """A virtual object representing a KE-chain User References property. .. versionadded: 3.9 """ REFERENCED_CLASS = user.User def _validate_values(self) -> List[str]: """ Check if the `_value` attribute has valid content. :return list of UUIDs: :rtype list """ if not self._value: return [] object_ids = [] for value in self._value: if isinstance(value, dict) and "pk" in value or "id" in value: pk = str(value.get("pk", value.get("id"))) object_ids.append(pk) elif isinstance(value, (int, str)): object_ids.append(str(value)) else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( f'Value "{value}" must be a dict with field `pk` or a UUID.' ) return object_ids def _retrieve_objects(self, **kwargs) -> List[user.User]: """ Retrieve a list of Users. :param kwargs: optional inputs :return: list of User objects """ user_ids = self._validate_values() users = [] if user_ids: users = list() for chunk in get_in_chunks(user_ids, PARTS_BATCH_LIMIT): users.extend(list(self._client.users(id__in=",".join(chunk)))) return users
[docs] def value_ids(self) -> Optional[List[int]]: """ Retrieve the referenced object UUIDs only. :return: list of UUIDs :rtype list """ return [value.get("pk") for value in self._value] if self.has_value() else None
[docs] class FormReferencesProperty(_ReferencePropertyInScope): """A virtual object representing a KE-chain Form References property. .. versionadded:: 3.7 """ REFERENCED_CLASS = Form def _retrieve_objects(self, **kwargs) -> List[Form]: """ Retrieve a list of Forms. :param kwargs: optional inputs :return: list of Form objects """ forms = [] for forms_json in self._value: form = Form(client=self._client, json=forms_json) form.refresh() # To populate the object with all expected data forms.append(form) return forms
[docs] class ContextReferencesProperty(_ReferencePropertyInScope): """A virtual object representing a KE-chain Context References property. .. versionadded:: 3.7 """ REFERENCED_CLASS = Context def _retrieve_objects(self, **kwargs) -> List[Context]: """ Retrieve a list of Contexts. :param kwargs: optional inputs :return: list of Context objects """ contexts = [] for contexts_json in self._value: context = Context(client=self._client, json=contexts_json) context.refresh() # To populate the object with all expected data contexts.append(context) return contexts
[docs] class StatusReferencesProperty(_ReferenceProperty): """A virtual object representing a KE-chain Status References property. .. versionadded:: 3.19 """ REFERENCED_CLASS = Status def _retrieve_objects(self, **kwargs) -> List[Status]: """ Retrieve a list of Statuses. :param kwargs: optional inputs :return: list of Status objects """ statuses = [] for status_json in self._value: status = Status(client=self._client, json=status_json) status.refresh() # To populate the object with all expected data statuses.append(status) return statuses
class StoredFilesReferencesProperty(_ReferenceProperty): """A virtual object representing a KE-chain StoredFile References property. .. versionadded:: 4.7 """ REFERENCED_CLASS = StoredFile def _retrieve_objects(self, **kwargs) -> List[StoredFile]: """ Retrieve a list of StoredFile. :param kwargs: optional inputs :return: list of StoredFile objects """ return [ StoredFile(client=self._client, json=stored_files_json) for stored_files_json in self._value ]