Source code for pykechain.models.notification

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import requests

from pykechain.enums import NotificationChannels, NotificationEvent, NotificationStatus
from pykechain.exceptions import APIError, IllegalArgumentError
from pykechain.models import Base
from pykechain.models.input_checks import check_base, check_enum, check_text, check_user
from pykechain.utils import Empty, clean_empty_values, empty, is_valid_email

[docs] class Notification(Base): """A virtual object representing a KE-chain notification. :ivar id: UUID of the notification :type id: basestring :ivar subject: subject of the notification :type subject: basestring or None :ivar created_at: the datetime when the object was created if available (otherwise None) :type created_at: datetime or None :ivar updated_at: the datetime when the object was last updated if available (otherwise None) :type updated_at: datetime or None :ivar status: The status of the notification (see :class:`pykechain.enums.NotificationStatus`) :type status: basestring or None :ivar event: The event of the notification (see :class:`pykechain.enums.NotificationEvent`) :type event: basestring or None :ivar recipient_users: The list of ids of the users :type recipient_users: List[User ids] """ def __init__(self, json: Dict, **kwargs) -> None: """Construct a notification from a KE-chain 2 json response. :param json: the json response to construct the :class:`Notification` from :type json: dict """ super().__init__(json, **kwargs) self.message = json.get("message", "") self.subject: str = json.get("subject", "") self.status: str = json.get("status", "") self.event: str = json.get("event", "") self.channels: List = json.get("channels", list()) self.recipient_user_ids: List = json.get("recipient_users", list()) self.team_id: str = json.get("team", "") self.from_user_id: str = json.get("from_user", "") self._from_user: Optional["User"] = None self._recipient_users: Optional[List["User"]] = None self._team: Optional["Team"] = None def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return f"<pyke Notification id {[-8:]}>"
[docs] def get_recipient_users(self) -> List["User"]: """Return the list of actual `User` objects based on recipient_users_ids.""" if self._recipient_users is None: self._recipient_users = self._client.users( id__in=",".join([str(pk) for pk in self.recipient_user_ids]) ) return self._recipient_users
[docs] def get_from_user(self) -> "User": """Return the actual `User` object based on the from_user_id.""" if self._from_user is None and self.from_user_id: self._from_user = self._client.user(pk=self.from_user_id) return self._from_user
[docs] def get_team(self) -> "Team": """Return the actual `Team` object based on the team_id.""" if self._team is None and self.team_id: self._team = return self._team
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete the notification.""" return self._client.delete_notification(notification=self)
[docs] def edit( self, subject: Optional[Union[str, Empty]] = empty, message: Optional[Union[str, Empty]] = empty, status: Optional[Union[NotificationStatus, Empty]] = empty, recipients: Optional[Union[List[Union["User", str, int]], Empty]] = empty, team: Optional[Union["Team", str, Empty]] = empty, from_user: Optional[Union["User", str, Empty]] = empty, event: Optional[Union[NotificationEvent, Empty]] = empty, channel: Optional[Union[NotificationChannels, Empty]] = empty, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Update the current `Notification` attributes. Setting an input to None will clear out the value (only applicable to recipients and from_user). :param subject: (O) Header text of the notification. Cannot be cleared. :type subject: basestring or None or Empty :param message: (O) Content message of the notification. Cannot be cleared. :type message: basestring or None or Empty :param status: (O) life-cycle status of the notification, defaults to "DRAFT". Cannot be cleared. :type status: NotificationStatus :param recipients: (O) list of recipients, each being a User object, user ID or an email address. :type recipients: list or None or Empty :param team: (O) team object to which the notification is constrained :type team: Team object or Team UUID :param from_user: (O) Sender of the notification, either a User object or user ID. Defaults to script user. :type from_user: User or user ID or None or Empty :param event: (O) originating event of the notification. Cannot be cleared. :type event: NotificationEvent :param channel: (O) method used to send the notification, defaults to "EMAIL". Cannot be cleared. :type channel: NotificationChannels :param kwargs: (optional) keyword=value arguments :return: None :raises: APIError: when the `Notification` could not be updated Not mentioning an input parameter in the function will leave it unchanged. Setting a parameter as None will clear its value (where that is possible). The example below will clear the from_user, but leave everything else unchanged. >>> notification.edit(from_user=None) """ from pykechain.models import Team, User recipient_users = list() recipient_emails = list() if recipients is not None: if isinstance(recipients, list) and all( isinstance(r, (str, int, User)) for r in recipients ): for recipient in recipients: if is_valid_email(recipient): recipient_emails.append(recipient) else: recipient_users.append(check_user(recipient, User, "recipient")) elif isinstance(recipients, Empty): recipient_emails = empty recipient_users = empty else: raise IllegalArgumentError( "`recipients` must be a list of User objects, IDs or email addresses, " '"{}" ({}) is not.'.format(recipients, type(recipients)) ) if isinstance(channel, Empty): channels = empty elif check_enum(channel, NotificationChannels, "channel"): channels = [channel] else: channels = list() update_dict = { "status": check_enum(status, NotificationStatus, "status") or self.status, "event": check_enum(event, NotificationEvent, "event") or self.event, "subject": check_text(subject, "subject") or self.subject, "message": check_text(message, "message") or self.message, "recipient_users": recipient_users, "recipient_emails": recipient_emails, "team": check_base(team, Team, "team"), "from_user": check_user(from_user, User, "from_user"), "channels": channels or self.channels, } if kwargs: update_dict.update(kwargs) update_dict = clean_empty_values(update_dict=update_dict) url = self._client._build_url("notification", response = self._client._request("PUT", url, json=update_dict) if response.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise APIError(f"Could not update Notification {self}", response=response) self.refresh(json=response.json().get("results")[0])