Source code for pykechain.models.expiring_download

import datetime
import os
from typing import Dict, Optional

import requests

from pykechain.exceptions import APIError
from pykechain.models import Base
from pykechain.models.input_checks import check_type
from pykechain.utils import clean_empty_values, empty

[docs] class ExpiringDownload(Base): """Expiring Download class.""" def __init__(self, json: Dict, **kwargs) -> None: """ Init function. :param json: the json response to construct the :class:`ExpiringDownload` from :type json: dict """ super().__init__(json, **kwargs) self.filename = json.get("content_file_name") self.expires_in = json.get("expires_in") self.expires_at = json.get("expires_at") self.token_hint = json.get("token_hint") def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return f"<pyke ExpiringDownload id {[-8:]}>"
[docs] def save_as(self, target_dir: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Save the Expiring Download content. :param target_dir: the target directory where the file will be stored :type target_dir: str """ full_path = os.path.join(target_dir or os.getcwd(), self.filename) url = self._client._build_url("expiring_download_download", response = self._client._request("GET", url) if response.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise APIError( f"Could not download file from Expiring download {self}", response=response, ) with open(full_path, "w+b") as f: for chunk in response: f.write(chunk)
[docs] def delete(self) -> None: """Delete this expiring download. :raises APIError: if delete was not successful. """ response = self._client._request( "DELETE", self._client._build_url("expiring_download", ) if response.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise APIError( f"Could not delete Expiring Download {self}", response=response )
[docs] def edit( self, expires_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = empty, expires_in: Optional[int] = empty, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Edit Expiring Download details. :param expires_at: The moment at which the ExpiringDownload will expire :type expires_at: datetime.datetime :param expires_in: The amount of time (in seconds) in which the ExpiringDownload will expire :type expires_in: int """ update_dict = { "id":, "expires_at": check_type(expires_at, datetime.datetime, "expires_at") or self.expires_at, "expires_in": check_type(expires_in, int, "expires_in") or self.expires_in, } if kwargs: # pragma: no cover update_dict.update(**kwargs) update_dict = clean_empty_values(update_dict=update_dict) response = self._client._request( "PUT", self._client._build_url("expiring_download",, json=update_dict, ) if response.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise APIError( f"Could not update Expiring Download {self}", response=response ) self.refresh(json=response.json()["results"][0])
[docs] def upload(self, content_path): """ Upload a file to the Expiring Download. .. versionadded:: 3.10.0 :param content_path: path to the file to upload. :type content_path: basestring :raises APIError: if the file could not be uploaded. :raises OSError: if the file could not be located on disk. """ if os.path.exists(content_path): self._upload(content_path=content_path) else: raise OSError(f"Could not locate file to upload in '{content_path}'")
def _upload(self, content_path): url = self._client._build_url("expiring_download_upload", with open(content_path, "rb") as file: response = self._client._request( "POST", url, files={"attachment": (os.path.basename(content_path), file)}, ) if response.status_code not in (,, ): # pragma: no cover raise APIError( f"Could not upload file to Expiring Download {self}", response=response ) self.refresh(json=response.json()["results"][0])